ISM – Safety Management

Required for vessels over 500 gross tons and highly recommended for all crewed vessels, the ISM Code requires the managing company to be responsible for the technical maintenance of the ship.

In order to fulfill our obligations, we must satisfy ourselves that there is an adequate planned maintenance routine onboard.

Working alongside crew onboard and digitally through our real time ship monitoring system we track on-going ship maintenance, machinery and safety equipment for issues. This keen oversight and due diligence allows for us to catch and rectify threats that may affect the ship’s safety and security immediately.

FYM’s established relationships with Class and Flag state organizations allow us to work closely with their surveyors as needed. Shipyard attendance during annual dry-docking is provided if requested. Often times this includes visits to the ship by our technical staff to discuss solutions, the organization of third party contractors and the ordering and dispatch of parts and machinery etc.

Our technical directors are available for any troubleshooting or general assistance to crew and on board staff 24/7 and provide a range of company documentation upkeep and creation including.

  • Crew Training Manuals
  • Fire & Safety Plans
  • Station Bills
  • ISM – ISPS
  • MINI – ISM
  • Drills & Procedures
  • Risk management
  • Helicopter Operations
  • Submersible Operations

Resource Management- 

As ISM managers, FYM is responsible for ensuring that all personnel onboard are properly qualified and medically fit. If a recognized manning agency is used, we have to satisfy ourselves that the agency is competent to supply crew of the right caliber. Where crew are sourced other than by a recognized manning agency, we verify their qualifications and fitness before their appointment can be confirmed.

Records, Certification & Survey Maintenance

FYM’s Hourguard Cloud based/ highly encrypted Ship Maintenance module ensures all pertinent documentation, checklists and reports remain in date and in cue. A highly attractive user interface allows for Ipad/tablet utilization and instantly source-able data for the procurement of updated hard copies ahead of your next Port State Control inspection.

Internal Audits / Routine Visits-
 One of the requisites of the ISM Code is that the company performs audits on managed yachts. This is completed on an annual basis and normally takes a day. Present during this audit is the DPA and our Technical Superintendent.  The purpose is to assess the level of onboard compliance with the SMS. Vessel Audits are a beneficial exercise for all parties and provide the opportunity for a program to evolve over time while raising the level of awareness and interest in safety management.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Freedom Yacht Management
801 Seabreeze Blvd
Ft Lauderdale
Florida 33316
Tel:(954) 732-8916
Fax: (954) 533-4880